Real or Satire?

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Category: Satire

Remember when we discussed eBuzzd? Let me refresh your memory: Plus the photo used [of singer Phil Collins with an arm-sling] on eBuzzd for this story is likely the worst photochop job ever. For real. Well . . . we have another eBuzzd sit-chee-a-shun with Procrastimes. The main article that’s been submitted (several times, I might add): “Teens Gather In…

God Hates Goths would be another example of Poe’s Law, which we have covered before, were it not for their disclaimer page — DISCLAIMER : The Godhatesgoths website, Parents Against Goth Movement and Gods Hammer Baptist Church are complete works of fiction. It is a satire/parody. — which shows up first when you search Google for “God Hates Goths.” Whether…

No, Patti Labelle did not punch Aretha Franklin; and no, Leonardo DiCaprio will not play the role of MLK Jr. in blackface. Newsnerd is nice enough to contain the following disclaimer on every page: The stories posted on TheNewsNerd are for entertainment purposes only. The stories may mimic articles found in the headlines, but rest assured they are purely satirical.…

While might look legit, you’ll quickly find that the stories are exaggerated or just plain fake. Well . . . that is, if you can even pull up their website, which routinely returns an ‘Service Temporarily Unavailable’ server error. (Seriously! Every other link-click returns a server error. What is this? Satire Amateur Hour??)

Unfamiliar though this site is to us, was an easy one. Buried deep on its About page: The ease of discovery is a testament to the site-creator’s character: Paul Szoldra isn’t trying to trick us or pass on misinformation en malice. A quick Google search revealed that the marine veteran started Duffel Blog originally as a way to drive…

As of this writing, their top story was Rock And Roll Hall Again Denies Johnny Bravo. Which is pretty funny in and of itself. From their About page: For the best in online satire of news and current events, one needs only to turn to CAP News for a full day’s laugh in just 60 seconds. [. . .] The…

I’m gonna keep this one short and simple, because half the time I go to, I’m hit with a ‘bad gateway 502’-error. The article that was submitted was about how a kid used Google Earth to find someone who had been trapped on a deserted island for 7 years. It’s bogus. There’s another article that talks about Apple’s $1billion-in-nickles…

George Zimmerman found dead after accidentally shooting himself while loading a gun? L’il Kim caught on camera stealing baby clothes from WalMart?! Too good to be true? It is. From Creambmp’s About page: This website is comprised of satire and parody of current news and urban culture. For entertainment purposes only. From the footer on their site: CreamBmp is for…

I was contemplating marking eBuzzd as both real and satire, seeing as they have a couple items on their site that are kinda sorta true; however, any truth on their site is likely happenstance. eBuzzd represents to me the worst sort of ‘satirical’ page. As of this writing (3-13-2014) the first three articles are all celebrity tragedies, designed solely to…

I don’t know what Poacencur is, though it sounds painful. But on the footer of their page, it reads — This website is a satire and should be treated like one. We do not own any of the content, which may be removed by anyone. — so . . . that’s that.

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