Real or Satire?

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real. -

UPDATED REVIEW 1-10-2017: Our previous review of came when we had a simple binary ranking system. Our conclusion has been updated to match the new system. You’ll be seeing a lot of updated reviews as we continue to comb through the database. Sometimes, a news story has enough “clickability” on its own merits that it doesn’t warrant much alteration.… -

No one should consider this weblication as anything other than satire, especially with article titles such as these: Obama and first lady: ménage à trois with French president was ‘an official letdown’ Super Bowl outcome to be decided by telekinetic Seattle fan Seventh-grader reveals U.S. at the mercy of nine wizards “But,” you might say, “I heard about those nine… -

Though the gives us pause, appears to have been half-owned by Microsoft until recently. They get some stories from outside sources, especially their entertainment sections. You’re advised to be careful; some of those sources can be the more sensational sites, like The Sun. This gives some entertainment stories a very TMZ-like gossip-y feel. Based in Australia, - is not only eager to toss out any pro-Trump fake-news that'll give the most clicks, they are willing to accept sponsored posts from other liars. -

MorningNewsUSA is a tricky little bugger. Read onward to find out why. -

Let's get straight to the point: is fake news masquerading as "satire." Read on to see how we came to this conclusion. -

From their About Page: THE ADOBO CHRONICLES is your source of up-to-date, unbelievable news. Everything you read on this site is based on fact, except for the lies. -

Of the 223 submissions for, the top 2 articles sent to us were by far: “Trump Calls Jesus a Loser” and “Grandmother with AK-47 Saves Cops Being Attacked by Street Gang.” Now8News isn’t upfront about their site content by means of a disclaimer, so a fair bit of investigation is needed. Fortunately we don’t have to go too far… -

We review two stories to help us determine if Alternative Media Syndicate is real, satire, or something else altogether! -

Consider Death & Taxes more as one big pisstake. It’s primarily a op-ed site, and much of their content is pretty enjoyable to read and safe to reshare. They, too, tend to fall for the occasional misconstruance*, like the Nazi Salute of the Anti-Gay Alternative to the Boy Scout story, which they later updated with a footnote (in smaller font… -

As of this writing, wants to redirect you to, which is no longer a thing, apparently. -

By their own admission: Raw Story is a progressive news site that focuses on stories often ignored in the mainstream media. While giving coverage to the big stories of the day, we also bring our readers’ attention to policy, politics, legal and human rights stories that get ignored in an infotainment culture driven solely by pageviews. Their original reporting has… -

If there's some sort of civil unrest, impending cataclysm, or upcoming plague, is selling something for it. But are they real, satire, or something worse? -

I like their logo. I also like how all of the main sections start with “dis-“, except “dystopia” — which draws the eye to it. They could have gone the route of forcing the motif with a spelling change (“distopia”) but by choosing not to, I actually want to read that section first. is a collection of music, art,… -

As with comedy, timing is everything for “satire” and ClickBait sites. Take this article submitted for The Daily Snark: Jason Pierre-Paul Blows Off Other Hand After His Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explodes. With Samsung’s ‘Exploding‘ Galaxy Note 7 recall in the news and being banned on all U.S. Flights, it’s very easy to believe something like this. Until, that is,… -

Someone submitted “” Unfortunately, there’s no such site. But there should be. It would be the perfect snark-site for Conservative Tribune, which we have already talked about. (Seriously, someone should get on that.) -

The Øxymoron is published by students of Oxford University. Its satirical reach rarely extends beyond Oxford University and its surrounding areas, save when they doll out grievances against their arch-nemeses at Cambridge (because that’s totally a thing). From their About page: The Oxymoron is satirical student magazine, described by its founder as “better than all publications and most charities”. -

If you wish to believe that Apple Annouces[sic] Release of Paranormal Communication Application or that a New Gandhi Movie Shocks India, then World News Daily Report is the site for you. But kindly leave our boots well and dry, thank you very much. World News Daily Report follows the old-school Tabloid-styled faux-journalism of its predecessors, such as the Weekly World… -

God Hates Goths would be another example of Poe’s Law, which we have covered before, were it not for their disclaimer page — DISCLAIMER : The Godhatesgoths website, Parents Against Goth Movement and Gods Hammer Baptist Church are complete works of fiction. It is a satire/parody. — which shows up first when you search Google for “God Hates Goths.” Whether… -

Elite Daily is advertised, via their Facebook page, as a “HuffPost without the cats” when “BuzzFeed just isn’t enough.” One should consider Elite Daily more as one big Op-Ed piece. They have a shared office space with Elite SEM (if that matters ((which it likely does)) and the site appears to be gunning as a disrupting agent for the likes…

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real.