This one is easy. Every story has a link to their ABOUT page: RILENEWS FAQ Are your stories real? Yes. If you believe fake news stories.
Heavy Caveat: Return of Kings is real, in the respect that the owner is dead-serious about his beliefs. It is, as best we can tell, neither satire nor an example of Poe’s Law. Return of Kings is owned — and likely directly admin’ed — by Daryush Valizadeh, also known as Roosh V and Roosh Vorek, a self-styled “pick-up artist”or [PUA].…
This site’s last article was from 2012; however, hyper-linking and sharing has no expiration date. While this site is satire, it’s goal is definitely to affect opinion, probably mostly through ridicule.
I mean . . . it’s real. He really did that shit (pun intended). You can read tonnes of stuff about this site. Definitely real.
Conservative Tribune makes the following claim: [David Boreanaz] broke ranks with the Hollywood elite, and the overwhelming culture of Hollywood, to criticize Pres. Barack Obama. This is the same Pres. Obama that hangs out with celebrities like Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and George Clooney, while simultaneously campaigning against rich people. It’s customary to embed tweets when you’re relying on them to push…
From their website: Tech Times covers news on technological innovation and how business and technology intersects, influences and impacts different markets and industries to bring about cultural transformation in our lives, and how that is relevant in our increasingly interconnected world. There may be some funny joke-posts, especially on April 1st, but aside from that, the articles here are true.…
We can't tell if 18karatreggae's headlines are considered ClickBait in Jamaica, or if they're just really bad at writing them. Three stories check out; 1 does not. Are they real? Satire? Or ClickBait?
Not much else can be said about The Inconsequential that their very own (horribly written) About page doesn’t already cover; namely: “Never mind the quantity feel the wit.” They do, however, have a lovely dictionary (Dikipaedia) of neologisms and portmanteaux that they’ve coined and/or used in their articles.
Read on to find out why we changed our verdict of 100Percent Fed Up from "Biased" to "ClickBait". Our reasons will shock and amaze you! was going to be another site that we’d pass on making commentary on. But one of the first images I was presented when I visited was this one: So how hard can it be? Even better than the image, though, is the quote that Lercio is able to get from our Lord and Savior: “Sono cose che succedono.”… is, by their own admission, “satire.” To their credit, they have a disclaimer on nearly every page: Underground News Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the…
I must confess: I have a soft spot for Expect funny observations about life, reposts of funny webcomics, and commentaries on U.S. political goings-on. We mark this one “Bias” because, well . . . he has one. So expect a fair bit of color.
Names are important! This is ever true when discussing a so-called newsite. Lapine is a real word (French, I believe) but it’s also the fictional language spoken by rabbits in the 1972 novel Watership Down. A Novel. You should read it.. From their About page: The Lapine is all about poking people and things that deserve to be poked. It… is, thankfully, forthcoming about their satirical nature. From their About page: The Hard Times is a very real punk news site that you should not question. Just absorb the information as truth and move on. The historic satire site was founded in December 1982 at 171A studios while the founding members were eating broken glass with The Bad Brains.…
The article submitted to us for Outfoxednews was this one — The Senate will vote to decide if climate change is real — which has all the makings of a satirical jab at Congressional incompetence and self-importance. I mean . . . voting whether or not something exists doesn’t have any impact on that thing’s actual existence, right? Alas, Congress…
NY Daily News does contain a lot of clearly marked op-ed pieces. And they definitely lean towards one end of the political spectrum. They can, however, be considered real. Be sure to check the originating section of the article before resharing or determining any truth-value. Addendum 11-22-2016: Since this post, we’ve updated our review system to include the categories ClickBait,…
This is another of those sites that you wouldn’t have any idea it was fake unless you clicked on the “Disclaimer” link up in the header. Per their disclaimer: With fun stories about the Pope commissioning J.K. Rowling to rewrite the Bible and NASA just assuming we already knew about aliens, you can see how WWNews gets its rep as…
Someone submitted “” Unfortunately, there’s no such site. But there should be. It would be the perfect snark-site for Conservative Tribune, which we have already talked about. (Seriously, someone should get on that.)
Unlike some of the less scrupulous sites out there, Sports Pickle is upfront about their satirical nature.
The Washington Times, not to be confused with The Times, has been around since the early 80s. Many consider it a right-of-center counterpoint to The Washington Post. [Editorial Note: In our haste, we referred to Washington Times as a “left-of-center” when it is, as the rest of this post states, actually considered right-of-center.] The magazine had heavy ties with Republican…