Real or Satire?

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real. -

This one is easy. Every story has a link to their ABOUT page: RILENEWS FAQ Are your stories real? Yes. If you believe fake news stories. -

This one is actually easy, simply because the site itself tells us that it’s satirical. Check their Facebook About page and you’ll see — Long Description. Tribune Herald is a satirical publication. So . . . that’s that, right? 😉 -

Naha Daily's website is down (or no longer active). Should we still review them? Yes! Find out why, and if their site is satirical or no. -

WARNING: WorldNetDaily (WND), not to be confuzzled with World News Daily, is an American web site that publishes political content from the perspective of U.S. conservatives and the political right. So expect heavy coloring. They are likely the source of many ultra-Right folks’ conservative conspiracies, e.g., Obama’s birth certificate non-issue. But we wouldn’t call WND ‘conserva-nutjobs’ or anything of the… -

This is another of those sites that you wouldn’t have any idea it was fake unless you clicked on the “Disclaimer” link up in the header. Per their disclaimer: With fun stories about the Pope commissioning J.K. Rowling to rewrite the Bible and NASA just assuming we already knew about aliens, you can see how WWNews gets its rep as… -

Fake news poorly written. Your face would likely implode from the horrible grammar long before you get around to accidentally mistaking any of these articles as legit and sharing them. And maybe that’s the point? From their About Us disclaimer in the footer of their homepage: is a combination of real shocking news and satire news to keep its… -

This is a political satire/humor site for “The Citizen,” a.k.a. BJ Schwartz; however, it has a serious side. Those more serious posts are under the banner of “The Serious Citizen,” but they are op-ed pieces and shouldn’t be believed whole-heartedly as factual, rather, one’s opinion. From the About page: [. . . BJ] harkens back to his college days doing… -

The story submitted to us for America News Project was this one: Small Indiana Town To Change Name To Avoid Clinton Reference. Their About Us page features a fair bit of cheek: As you likely well know, the National Report and Daily Currant are both satire sites. (If you did not know this, feel free to click those links and… -

I was contemplating marking eBuzzd as both real and satire, seeing as they have a couple items on their site that are kinda sorta true; however, any truth on their site is likely happenstance. eBuzzd represents to me the worst sort of ‘satirical’ page. As of this writing (3-13-2014) the first three articles are all celebrity tragedies, designed solely to… - relies on ClickBait bordering on fake news, often sourced from other disreputable sites, like Your News Wire. -

We’re really going to have to put limits on what we can do here, at RoS. We’ve mentioned before that we are an English-language site, though we can generally suss out Spanish, German, and Dutch sites. That does limit us and the sort of data we can provide; however, so long as these international sites make it easy to suss… -

The article submitted to us for Outfoxednews was this one — The Senate will vote to decide if climate change is real — which has all the makings of a satirical jab at Congressional incompetence and self-importance. I mean . . . voting whether or not something exists doesn’t have any impact on that thing’s actual existence, right? Alas, Congress… - doesn't make it easy to tell if they're satire. No Disclaimer or About Us. And the stories seem true -- or true-enough. So are they? Read on: -

This site’s last article was from 2012; however, hyper-linking and sharing has no expiration date. While this site is satire, it’s goal is definitely to affect opinion, probably mostly through ridicule. -

From Iron E-News‘ logo-title: Satire News. Liberal with Humor. Conservative with Truth. -

Counter Current News is a fringe news source. They’ve reported on the murder of an Anonymous hacktivist Abu Shehadeh and even on the Banksy arrest hoax. The one post they have marked “satire” is actually a real article about a group of Muslims making a satirical spoof video on ISIS. While some of the stories might seem like humor, (e.g.,… -

Ireland’s The Phoenix fashions itself like Britain’s Private Eye — investigative journalism, current affairs, and satire. The Phoenix’s satire is the kind of satire that you know is satire, straight away. Plus, it’s sectioned off. So if you see that someone sourced the “Craic and Codology” section of The Phoenix, you have our permission to give the him a toe… -

Not much else can be said about The Inconsequential that their very own (horribly written) About page doesn’t already cover; namely: “Never mind the quantity feel the wit.” They do, however, have a lovely dictionary (Dikipaedia) of neologisms and portmanteaux that they’ve coined and/or used in their articles. -

Not even sure what the point is for, or the other sites connected to it. Doesn't matter; it's all fake -- and only barely funny. - is neither real nor are they satire. They are alarmist conspiracists who have been labeled by multiple sources as anti-Semites, Nazi-Sympathizers, and all-around jerks.

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real.