Real or Satire?

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Category: ClickBait

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a “news” site is being satirical, or if they’re just posting fake or incorrect news. Such is the case with Check this article: It Is Now Illegal To Wear An Anonymous Mask In America Actual report from Arizona Capital Times: Espinoza and Brown said a security official pointed out a man in a…

UPDATED REVIEW 1-12-2017: Our previous review of If You Only News came when we had a simple binary ranking system. Our conclusion has been updated to match the new system. You’ll be seeing a lot of updated reviews as we continue to comb through the database. They’ve routinely used ClickBait-style headlines and some information “massaging” to prop up their anti-GOP…

UPDATE – 08-03-2016: We have slightly revised our judgment on Breitbart in light of their consistent policy of going well beyond headline-hyperbole with their articles into downright lying when it suits them: Obama’s post-Ramadan statement giving thanks to the “achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy”…

UPDATED REVIEW 1-10-2017: Our previous review of came when we had a simple binary ranking system. Our conclusion has been updated to match the new system. You’ll be seeing a lot of updated reviews as we continue to comb through the database. Sometimes, a news story has enough “clickability” on its own merits that it doesn’t warrant much alteration.…

UPDATE 01/31/2017: Categorizing as “Real” never felt quite right with us. At the time of the initial review, we had a binary grading system: either a site was real, or it was satire. Mad World News didn’t quite sit comfortably in that either-or system. Where do we place highly opinionated commentary sites that commented on real news? But now…

The article submitted to us from was this one: THREE OF FIVE DETAINEES SWAPPED ARE NOW ISIS LEADERS However, it’s basically a copy of this report from our good friends at National Report: Terrorist Exchanged For Bowe Bergdahl Now Top ISIS Commander Political Ears hadn’t noted its sources — likely because someone had already called them out on sourcing…

Spoiler-Alert: We think American News is satire. You read that right: we’re marking American News “satire”. Not just ”fake news”, but honest to goodness satire . . . of a sort. But lest you’re quick to judge and judge us harshly, here us out:

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real.