Real or Satire?

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Category: Satire

The story submitted to us for America News Project was this one: Small Indiana Town To Change Name To Avoid Clinton Reference. Their About Us page features a fair bit of cheek: As you likely well know, the National Report and Daily Currant are both satire sites. (If you did not know this, feel free to click those links and…

As with comedy, timing is everything for “satire” and ClickBait sites. Take this article submitted for The Daily Snark: Jason Pierre-Paul Blows Off Other Hand After His Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Explodes. With Samsung’s ‘Exploding‘ Galaxy Note 7 recall in the news and being banned on all U.S. Flights, it’s very easy to believe something like this. Until, that is,…

TMZ World News is likely banking on the familiarity of TMZ to add credibility (which for some is part of the joke in and of itself). But on their contact us page: is the most notorious satire website in the world with the most shocking Satire News to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief. In fact,…

Truthfully, “satire” is giving TMZ Hip Hop too much credit. Shocking news articles do not satire make! TMZHipHop banks on the familiarity and popularity of TMZ and Worldstar Hip Hop, likely in the hopes that adding the two together would make us doubly believe them. They can certainly be entertaining. But real . . . ? They posted an article…

I love a good alien story. From the horror of Alien and The Thing to more farcical offerings like Starship Troopers. Apparently, does too! In their story NASA Admits It Is In Contact With Alien Species And Just Forgot To Mention It, they tell a yarn about an absentminded NASA just . . . forgetting to tell us about…

“If wishes were fishes, we’d all cast nets.” That Frank Hubert Dune quote immediately sprung to mind when we saw this article from stands for “Times of Everything,” whatever that means. And the fine folks at LGBTQ Nation already discussed the hoax nature on this story, as well as two other ridiculous stories. [Editor’s Note: We’ll revisit…

Not to be confused with Now8News, though that is likely exactly what they want you to do, at least has the decency to provide a disclaimer: We thank Now88News for being upfront and honest about their site’s content.

There’s no easy find for News Chicken. But there are clues to the site’s legitamacy once you look at some of their original — er, sorry, “original” — stories.

Of the 223 submissions for, the top 2 articles sent to us were by far: “Trump Calls Jesus a Loser” and “Grandmother with AK-47 Saves Cops Being Attacked by Street Gang.” Now8News isn’t upfront about their site content by means of a disclaimer, so a fair bit of investigation is needed. Fortunately we don’t have to go too far…

For us, resolves to, which we’ve previousy covered as “satire” (read: fake). In all likelihood,, with its similar design, is similarly fake, set up simply to lure social media users into clicking on them and generating ad revenue. You can read more about at this Fusion story from 2015. Remember: Huzler described themselves as “the most…

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