Real or Satire?

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Category: Neither

Fake news outlet attempts to circumvent casual investigative tools by removing the site’s “right-click” functionality. But we got their number at any rate — read on.

Jeebus H. Criminy! Not only is the site straight out of Web 1.0, reading their Disclaimer page is like reading a freakin’ Proust novel. But are they real? Or Satire? Or . . . ?

Man! Whoever runs are doing a bang-up job! Tons of content that on first glance appears to be unique. Accounts all over the social media spectrum, from Facebook to Youtube. Even a podcast! They are either heavily dedicated to Poe’s Law, or heavily dedicated to their beliefs. Either way, kudos to them. Within the context of their religious platform,…

In 2014, we originally marked as an extreme form of Poe’s Law (satire). But that didn’t sit well with us. Could be satire? Or is it something much different?

At the time this site was submitted, there is no There is, however, a, which is a much better URL — if not any better information. So . . .

When Failbluedot joined Reddit 3 months ago, this was their* introduction: Just joined reddit and tried to look if there was a specific place in this subreddit to introduce myself first — sorry if I missed the right place before posting. Russian Jewish atheist in Sydney increasingly interested in SJ issues and decreasing worldsuck. Hello 🙂 The epi-pseudonymous website is…

The White Voice is not-so-thinly veiled racism dressed up as ‘true progressive-ism.’ I don’t buy it, of course, but you know . . . they have books out and stuff, so. Whatever. [Editor’s Note: This racial shitbag doesn’t deserve to be listed as ‘real.’ Yes, Joe Adams (real name, likely, Joe Hayward) is dead-serious about his nonsense, but our site…

This is a difficult one to assess. RSN is exactly as its name suggests: reader-supported news. From their about page: Reader Supported News is a new service by the creator of Truthout, Marc Ash. [. . .] Truthout built its following among readers who wanted to better understand the most important stories of the day, but had grown tired of…

Real Farmacy is difficult to categorize. They’re not satire, but they’re not exactly real, either. Or, should I say, they’re not exactly factual. Oh, they’ll post mostly-real; or real stories, but it’ll be a story that’s 10 years old (see below); or it will be a mostly-true story with misleading headlines, which isn’t something that is entirely new to anyone…

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