politicot.com is basically newslo.com using identity proximity with Politico.com to get clicks. They are connected to politicops.com and the actually-kinda-funny-URL politicono.com
At least they’re upfront about their subject matter. From their About page:
One such #NNTS article?
We would have tested their #NNTS claim more, but were sick and tired of wading through their annoying pop-up ads, pop-under ads, pop-sideways ads, “Hello, you’ve been selected–!” ads, each time we navigate through a page.
Equally shitty (yes, shitty) is the overlay they have on their footer where their About link is. Wanna read more about them? Hope you enjoy being awash with annoying pop-up ads, pop-under ads, pop-sideways ads, “Hello, you’ve been selected–!” ads . . .
It’s a shame, too. Some of the articles are genuinely funny. But seriously, it’s no wonder people resort to Ad-Blockers.