doesn’t make it easy at first glance to whether or not the site is satire. No disclaimer. No About Us page. And the stories seem like they could be true — or true-enough.
After all, maybe Melania Trump likes NPR’s Fresh Air. Perhaps Spicer could be yet another person that Trump hasn’t paid.
Maybe Trump did poop his pants.
But . . . he didn’t:

Sans poop. Original image, as taken by Reuters photographer David Moir, in July 2012.
Some of the headlines are so believable, that you could be forgiven for missing gold gems like JEFF SESSIONS FIRED: RETURNS TO OFFICE TO FIND TRUMP’S SOCK ON DOOR KNOB, complete with a picture of Dobby, the sock-loving house-elf from Harry Potter. writers are very skilled in their satire. But it is indeed satire.