When we went to The National Sun’s Facebook page, the first thing we’re greeted with was —

From their Facebook page

Oh, hello there, Mr Gorgeous.

— and instantly we wanted to believe everything they had to say. I mean . . . look at him! Really, take a look at him!!!

Alas, their About section reveals their true nature:

Facebook About Section for The National Sun

. . . we still kinda wanna believe everything they have to say, though.

There’s also the Disclaimer on their website:

Disclaimer for The National Sun, revealing the satirical nature of the site

The National Sun is actually a fun site to frequent, and not just because there’s a metric ton of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau on the site, like this one —

Justin Trudeau Bans Donald Trump from Entering Canada -- no he didn't.

No, he didn’t.

And this one —

Justin Trudeau says "We need to make prisons more fun" -- no, he didn't.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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