The article sent to us to review was "World’s First Head Transplant A Success After Nineteen Hour Operation." But . . . is it real?
The title of the site itself shows that it's trying too hard. The site's design, however, shows that their web designers aren't trying hard enough. But is it real? Or satire?
We actually rather enjoy Heavier Metal — and not simply because Metal has a fond place in our hearts. The satire here has plenty of the stuff other 'satire' sites lack: humor.
I guess we are to consider to be the WebMD of religion. Never mind the implications of that analogy; simply take it at face value. The grisly story that was submitted to us for review, “Christian zealot beheads teen for practicing witchcraft,” is unfortunately true. And while Patheos is fond of citing The Washington Times a lot — itself,…
The headlines on this site are pretty obviously fake, but depending on the writer, they can sometimes read fairly credible, at first glance. At the very gutter of the page (footer, for all you net-savvy folks) you’ll find their disclaimer: Unconfirmed Sources political satire and news story parodies as represented above are written as satire or parody. They are, of…
Imagine The Colbert Report television show, without the laughing audience, the obvious wink-wink of the host, and the over-the-top comedic stylings of Comedy Central writers, and you have Christwire. Christwire highlights the excesses of American Christian conservatives through its satire. Ironically — or expectably, depending on your point of view — Christian Conservatives tend to mistake Christwire articles as true…
We hate even reviewing sites like, because we know it'll just drive traffic to the site, which is the only thing ClickBait sites like is interested in. is, thankfully, forthcoming about their satirical nature. From their About page: The Hard Times is a very real punk news site that you should not question. Just absorb the information as truth and move on. The historic satire site was founded in December 1982 at 171A studios while the founding members were eating broken glass with The Bad Brains.…
Betoota is a small town in Diamantina Shire, in the Channel Country of Central West Queensland, Australia. Betoota Advocate, however, still has some Lorem Ipsum text on it. I’m assuming it’s not real. Now whether it’s pure gossip or satire is a question for another day. Since we don’t have bullshit category, we’re gonna mark this one “satire.”
The Øxymoron is published by students of Oxford University. Its satirical reach rarely extends beyond Oxford University and its surrounding areas, save when they doll out grievances against their arch-nemeses at Cambridge (because that’s totally a thing). From their About page: The Oxymoron is satirical student magazine, described by its founder as “better than all publications and most charities”.
BuzzFeed is an Internet news media company that specializes in a wide variety of topics like politics, DIY, animals, humor, and business. While it’s had its fair share of scandal — notably with plagiarism — and they have a pretty extensive humor section that includes some heavy satire. Unlike other sites, they do mark all humor as such. While they…'s stated goal is to "provide access to a full range of what Africans themselves are saying, thinking and publishing [. . .]." But are they real or satire?
The story submitted to us for America News Project was this one: Small Indiana Town To Change Name To Avoid Clinton Reference. Their About Us page features a fair bit of cheek: As you likely well know, the National Report and Daily Currant are both satire sites. (If you did not know this, feel free to click those links and…
Wikistrike is French. We don’t speak French. There seems to be a fair few mentions of the Illuminati, though. So if it’s not satirical, then it’s certainly steep in conspiracy theories. But we can’t be sure. Because we don’t speak French. If you speak French and would like to send us information on this site and whether or not it’s…
We have no patience for sites like They are merely clickbait sites that dress their articles up in cheap news-like knockoff clothing in the hopes that they can either trick its visitors into sharing the article online, or trick its detractors into thinking they are purveyors of fine satire. (Clearly it’s the former.) Maybe if their stories were even…
Before It’s News straddles between BIASED & CLICKBAIT in most of the articles from their site that we’ve seen. Could it be satire? Read onward to find out!
Christian Science Monitor is a confusing beast—and has been for years. Despite the obvious religious reference in its name, CSM claims neither to be a religious-themed paper nor promote the doctrine of its patron church. It does contain a daily religious article, at the request/behest of its founder, which has appeared in every issue of the Monitor. Eddy, the founder…
We almost feel bad reviewing Undoubtedly, seasoned RoS visitors wouldn't fall for the site's cheap tactics. Putting this here kinda feels like we're insulting our readership. But . . . someone submitted it, so we're obliged to review it.
Well . . . their logo is the Statue of Liberty winking at you. I imagine WinkProgress is fake. If not entirely fake, the part that caused someone to share an article on Facebook or Google Plus is certainly made-up. From their Facebook page: your source for Radical-LEFT-Wing-Comedy Conspiracy! From their About Us page:, [. . .] where…
From their About page: "The Cedar Rapids Defender is an independent media watchdog owned and operated by the people who work for it." But . . . are they real?