Real or Satire?

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real. -

This is a political satire/humor site for “The Citizen,” a.k.a. BJ Schwartz; however, it has a serious side. Those more serious posts are under the banner of “The Serious Citizen,” but they are op-ed pieces and shouldn’t be believed whole-heartedly as factual, rather, one’s opinion. From the About page: [. . . BJ] harkens back to his college days doing… - was going to be another site that we’d pass on making commentary on. But one of the first images I was presented when I visited was this one: So how hard can it be? Even better than the image, though, is the quote that Lercio is able to get from our Lord and Savior: “Sono cose che succedono.”… -

UPDATED REVIEW 1-10-2017: Our previous review of came when we had a simple binary ranking system. Our conclusion has been updated to match the new system. You’ll be seeing a lot of updated reviews as we continue to comb through the database. Sometimes, a news story has enough “clickability” on its own merits that it doesn’t warrant much alteration.… -

There's no other label can have, other than ClickBait. -

Okay, I’ll bite . . . CNN was submitted twice in a three-day period. No story or article, just ‘’ [Editorial Note: Please see the update to this statement at the end of our verdict.] Whoever submitted it: was likely the same person; was likely trying to make a point; probably didn’t think that we could turn this maybe-pisstake into… -

We can't tell if 18karatreggae's headlines are considered ClickBait in Jamaica, or if they're just really bad at writing them. Three stories check out; 1 does not. Are they real? Satire? Or ClickBait? - is not only eager to toss out any pro-Trump fake-news that'll give the most clicks, they are willing to accept sponsored posts from other liars. -

Any site whose abbreviation is, basically, BS News should be immediately suspect; however, we don't really need to second-guess their intent. -

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a “news” site is being satirical, or if they’re just posting fake or incorrect news. Such is the case with Check this article: It Is Now Illegal To Wear An Anonymous Mask In America Actual report from Arizona Capital Times: Espinoza and Brown said a security official pointed out a man in a… -

I don’t think the style of News Thump lends itself to erroneously sharing articles as news. But just in case . . . From their About page: NewsThump is one of the UK’s fastest growing humour websites, taking a daily swipe at current affairs from the UK and around the world. [. . .] We [. . .] never let… -

Abiyamo is a Nigerian news and entertainment blog. It’s likely real with global stories slanted towards the African culture in general, and Nigeria specifically. One story they had (Egyptian Court Quashes One Of The Two Life Sentences Handed To Ex-President Mohamed Morsi) check outs with both BBC and Aljezeera. Sometimes you will find stories that have no source cited, like… -

To whomever it may concern: There is no such site as There is an, which we have reviewed here. -

Anything with “” affixed to the URL is Clickbait/JokeLink. Anything. -

The Washington Post has been in circulation, posting real news, for almost 150 years. In the 70s, The Washington Post was responsible for breaking the story regarding the FBI’s COINTELPRO scandal, J Edgar Hoover’s attack on political targets (including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr). COINTELPRO used tactics against these targets that ranged from illegal wiretaps, planting forged documents, and spreading… -

If there's some sort of civil unrest, impending cataclysm, or upcoming plague, is selling something for it. But are they real, satire, or something worse? -

No, Patti Labelle did not punch Aretha Franklin; and no, Leonardo DiCaprio will not play the role of MLK Jr. in blackface. Newsnerd is nice enough to contain the following disclaimer on every page: The stories posted on TheNewsNerd are for entertainment purposes only. The stories may mimic articles found in the headlines, but rest assured they are purely satirical.… -

“I thought I can help [Trump] to win the presidency by creating a website. So I created I feel sorry for posting some ‘fake’ news. I removed them but at that time, I didn’t really know about them being fake.” -

“Real or Satire Clicked on and What They Discovered Will Shock and Awe You Into New Stratospheres of Amazeballsness.” This should give you some idea as to what Boredom Therapy is: clickbait bordering on emoterrorism. To their credit, they’re hardly at the emo-terror-levels of its role-model — Upworthy. But even their website tagline is consistent with the tactic: “Trending… -

From their About page: "The Cedar Rapids Defender is an independent media watchdog owned and operated by the people who work for it." But . . . are they real? -

Sometimes you have to dig pretty deep to get a hint as to the purpose of a "news" site. Real News Right Now is one such site. Is it real?

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real.