Real or Satire?

Copy and paste any article URL below. We'll tell you if it's real. -

From their About page: Using [. . .] tongue-in-cheek sarcasm and satire, the website is dedicated to promoting and publicizing graphs, statistics, and facts that somehow (inexplicably, for conservatives) support liberal beliefs, theories, or ideals. Liberal Bias is a member of the WinkProgress family. -

ClickHole is a parody site from the makers of The Onion that pokes fun at click-bait-y sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy. Needless to say, it’s satire. -

So you found a new medical site — that’s great! But . . . should you follow their medical advice? Answer these three questions before you do: -

Reason is an American libertarian monthly magazine with a circulation of around 70,000 and several awards and accolades under their belt, including an inclusion in Chicago Tribune’s list of the 50 best magazines in both 2003 and 2004. While their group blog, Hit & Run, may be a tad on the sarcastic side, the magazine as a whole could be… -

From their About page: The Burdekin Herald is your first stop for news from the Burdekin and other lesser places. [. . .] The contents of this site are entirely fictional and are meant as a parody. -

Spoiler-Alert: We think American News is satire. You read that right: we're marking American News "satire". Not just ''fake news", but honest to goodness satire . . . of a sort. But lest you're quick to judge and judge us harshly, here us out: - is, by their own admission, “satire.” To their credit, they have a disclaimer on nearly every page: Underground News Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the… -

The Washington Times, not to be confused with The Times, has been around since the early 80s. Many consider it a right-of-center counterpoint to The Washington Post. [Editorial Note: In our haste, we referred to Washington Times as a “left-of-center” when it is, as the rest of this post states, actually considered right-of-center.] The magazine had heavy ties with Republican… -

The Øxymoron is published by students of Oxford University. Its satirical reach rarely extends beyond Oxford University and its surrounding areas, save when they doll out grievances against their arch-nemeses at Cambridge (because that’s totally a thing). From their About page: The Oxymoron is satirical student magazine, described by its founder as “better than all publications and most charities”. -

We honestly surprised it took nearly three years to get a Snopes submission. Are they real? Fake? Biased? Read on for our verdict! -

I’m gonna keep this one short and simple, because half the time I go to, I’m hit with a ‘bad gateway 502’-error. The article that was submitted was about how a kid used Google Earth to find someone who had been trapped on a deserted island for 7 years. It’s bogus. There’s another article that talks about Apple’s $1billion-in-nickles… -

UPDATE 01/31/2017: Categorizing as “Real” never felt quite right with us. At the time of the initial review, we had a binary grading system: either a site was real, or it was satire. Mad World News didn’t quite sit comfortably in that either-or system. Where do we place highly opinionated commentary sites that commented on real news? But now… -

Remember when Perez Hilton would jack other photographers’ and Paparazzi’s photos and then hand draw dicks and asinine comments on them? Imagine that, but without the dicks. The jury’s out on Ruckus Bucket — they are basically just a Tumblr page with no About page or TOS that I, in passing, could find. It seems to be just a repository… - is another in a long list of prank sites (aka Lazy ClickBait). The site is upfront about what it is ("Prank your friends now!") but if you're not paying attention, you could get caught-out! -

The Babylon Bee wears its satire on its sleeve, making no attempt to hide its satirical intentions. The site is refreshingly funny, as well, and comes recommended to those who are not easily offended. -

Fake news outlet attempts to circumvent casual investigative tools by removing the site's "right-click" functionality. But we got their number at any rate -- read on. -

While the New Yorker is, of course, real news, the URL that came our way was for the Borowitz Report. From Andy Borowitz’s Wiki page: In 2001, he founded The Borowitz Report, a site that posts one 250-word news satire every weekday. Borowitz also hosts The Moth, which is a most excellent storytelling show on public radio. -

The New York Post has been around longer than dirt, it seems. They report on real news, but with a heavy Conservative slant. They are not above posting ClickBait-y articles, such as the Planet X Gonna Kill Us All nonsense, that had already been debunked. NYPost was perfectly willing to refer to then Presidential-hopeful Barack Obama as “Osama” in a… -

NY Daily News does contain a lot of clearly marked op-ed pieces. And they definitely lean towards one end of the political spectrum. They can, however, be considered real. Be sure to check the originating section of the article before resharing or determining any truth-value. Addendum 11-22-2016: Since this post, we’ve updated our review system to include the categories ClickBait,… -

I can’t click a link on Naijaurban without fear of being pulled into some Nigerian scam. That said, the site is likely a mix of local news (as in, Nigerian-local), entertainment news, half-news, and questionably-real-news. Take anything from this site with a grain of salt. But with articles like My Boyfriend’s Father Is Very Good In The Bedroom, See How…

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